How about a few assorted things that have crossed my mind over the last couple of weeks? (And yes, I realize it's been that long since my last post.)
On life in general...
- Asparagus - I just think it's the coolest vegetable for all sorts of reasons. A great conversation starter, especially with people who haven't tried it before. If you're looking for a green to start kids on, what other vegetable can offer such a cool result? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, too bad - I refuse to get more explicit). First runner-up is beets.
- The magical combination of British television, an iPad, Netflix, and a Treadmill - never before has cardio been so easy and so pleasant. I'm working(-out) my way through Misfits now.
- The word "misnomer" - I'm hearing more and more people using this wrong (I think they think it means "misconception"). Given what it actually does mean, it's almost ironic that people use it wrong. As an aside, I learned this week that "sleep clinic" is a misnomer.
- Thank-you cards - In my mind, my nephew/newest niece have set a new standard for thank-you cards. We received it in the mail (the real mail), it was personal, the words of thanks were specific and filled the card, it made me laugh, it made me cry - but most importantlly it made me feel genuinely thanked. Good job.
- US Elections - who won? Or is this one of those situations where they all won because they got to participate?
- Zed - I believe that in Canada, we call the last letter in the alphabet "Zed" (at least nobody's told me otherwise yet). I know that "Zed" doesn't rhyme with G, P or V so it kind of messes up the whole alphabet verse thing that they teach in school. But still, my 3-year old shouldn't be telling me I'm wrong when I correct her. Let's consider changing the pronunciation for G, P and V to "Ged", "Ped" and "Ved" respectively and then the problem simply goes away. At least that's my POV.
- The Toronto Blue Jays - no matter what happens as a result of AA's big moves, it's nice to have some north-of-the-border swagger in the AL East again.
- The Toronto Argonauts - since I didn't care beforehand, it would be wrong to claim the Grey Cup as any kind of victory for me personally. But yay.
- NHL lock-out: Everyone seems to be skating around the real issues. What's the ultimate goal here? How many shots at a settlement do they get? At this point, both parties seem off-side. They should just put everything else on ice, and get a deal done...even if it means working overtime. Um, Zamboni.
- The Toronto Raptors - my fearless prediction from an earlier post still stands: They are not bound for great things this year. The rest of what I said in that post was nonsense.