Friday, October 6, 2017

Quick Thoughts about My Baby Sister

Just some quick thoughts this morning - on the occasion of the birthday of my youngest sister - because I really have to get working...

  1. My sister - let's call her J. - is the first Senior ever in the history of the world who runs the risk of being carded. 
  2. J is the biggest Toronto sports fan ever, but only if you measure bigness in terms of the gap between normal demeanour, and the demeanour during and after losses. (The worse they do, demeanour she gets).
  3. J and I grew up eating from only the four food groups (peanut butter and jam, hamburgers and hot dogs, chicken, and dessert). I grew up. (To be fair, I think she eats salad too now).
  4. When J and I were little, we were the two most innocent, straight-laced, naive, optimistic young souls, who believed only in the goodness of the world. Then a woman (for whom I will use a pseudonym), Mrs. Purlander, showed up and showed us otherwise.
  5. J got her driver's license in her 40's and her Masters in her 50's. Maybe she'll learn how to go through a meal without spilling her drink in her 60's?
  6. J cared so much about me that when she felt she was getting too old to supervise me anymore, she decided it best to marry my Camp Counsellor so he could help.
  7. Most of the times she's two years older than me, but for two-and-a-half months every year, she's three years older. It's during these precious 7 or 8 weeks that I usually like to gloat about her advanced age and my relative youth. This year - and for the next 2+ - there are many places that recognize her as a "Senior" but exclude me from that group. Looking forward to that.
  8. J is my very oldest friend in the world (and by oldest, I mean longest-standing - she's only top 5 in terms of oldest oldest). She sets the bar high in terms of aging gracefully, staying young on the surface and even younger at heart, and being 100% genuinely the same person she's always been. No artifice. No "airs" (but 3 heirs). No b.s. J is J and always will be.
Happy J-day!

Love your baby brother.

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